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Science and Engineering Fair

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Benefits of Participating in Science Fairs

There are countless reasons students choose to participate in science fairs year after year and why teachers choose to mentor science fair projects each year. Here we have listed just a few of those reasons. 

Benefits for Students and Parents

  • Science fair participation helps distinguish students on college applications
  • Students are able to network with their peers who have similar interests
  • Opportunity to earn significant prizes or qualify for scholarships
  • It's fun!
  • It's an exceptional way for students to engage in active learning and develop sufficient science literacy 
  • Students gain confidence and crucial presentation skills
  • Students are able to take their natural curiosity and advance their understanding in a given area through research
  • The science fair program facilitates skills that are essential in preparation for undergraduate and graduate degrees, including  academic writing, verbal, written and public communication, and problem solving skills

Benefits for Teachers

  • The science fair helps students develop important research skills which will continue to benefit them no matter what career/occupation they end up pursuing
  • The science fair contributes to a student's social development and presentation skills
  • Hands-on or applied learning also enhances non-science-specific skills, such as project management and communication
  • The public competition aspect of the science fair fosters excitement for scientific inquiry
  • Mentoring science fair projects is a valuable way to contribute to your school and community
  • Many teachers report feeling inspired by their students and also view mentoring as an opportunity for continual learning
  • Bring pride to your school that isn't centered on athletics or performing arts
  • Opportunity to network with other science fair mentors
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